The Vacationer's Guide to Walt Disney World 1977 |
River Country was added in 1976 and it appears that it necessitated some changes to the Ticket Books, dropping the 17 2-day option and adding a Water Adventure Ticket. The ticket prices stayed the same except for the River Country ticket.
The inside of both brochures feature a great map surrounded by smaller cartoon images and text describing various parts of WDW. Can you spot the differences between these two drawings of Lake Buena Vista?
The Empress Lilly riverboat restaurant opened in 1977. It was added to the map above and to the description of 'A Shopping Village.' Interestingly, the name 'Lake Buena Vista Shopping Village' was dropped from the '77 text.
There were clearly changes taking place in Lake Buena Vista during this time. The '76 brochure refers to '29 cedar-shingled shops' in the opening text but on the inside text above says there are 33. The '77 brochure is consistent with 30.
These last two images compare other changes between the '76 & '77 brochures. See if you can spot the changes. And remember, nothing stays the same.